EPM Pre-study/Assessment

There are many decisions to make and requirements to consider when starting an Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) initiative.
To makesure the choices are both practical and viable in the long-term perspective, itis important to carefully consider what your organization needs (and torecognize what it does not need). Scandic Fusion can help assess that - to giveyou confidence that the investments into your future performance managementecosystem are deployed in the most efficient way.
A typical pre-study project generally consists of several parts:
Exploration of the business needs
We will conduct interviews with the key business stakeholders ensuring a thorough assessment of your current state with a focus on your EPM and data analytics needs and requirements going forward. As a result of these workshops, we will discover and classify the width and urgency of the data needs for the main business functions.
Technical architecture options
After understanding the needs and current solutions within your organization, we can propose viable technical and system architecture options. We will evaluate and offer several alternatives, which are relevant to your specific circumstances and priorities.
Closing Workshop and presentation of findings
We present the findings - assessment of the status quo, data requirements by business function, viable architecture scenarios - with the goal to explain and guide our client not only through what we are proposing - but also why it is so. We suggest a tailored roadmap specifically for your EPM initiative, guiding you through the next steps, whether it will be minor enhancements or a full-fledged EPM implementation.
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